Trucco permanente Bologna | Trucco semipermanente Bologna
  +39 338 3070336

Semipermanent makeup

In our culture the care of the image is increasingly important and semipermanent makeup allows you to always be at your best. It will enhance the details, radically correcting the imperfections of the face.

What Are The Semipermanent Makeup Treatments Possible?


Micro-hair 3D effect, natural effect, asymmetry correction, complete reconstruction, coverage and correction old tattoo, light spot


Get a thickening of thinning eyebrows, raising relaxed eyebrows, reconstructing completely glabrous arches affected by alopecia to provide a fresh look with lifting effect, frame and give greater expressiveness to the face.


Eyeliner top and bottom, intraciliary


OBJECTIVES (The treatments can be performed on women and men)


Get a more intense look, enlarge the eye, avoid imperfections in daily make-up, useful for those who wear glasses or contact lenses , for those who have problems with irritation to makeup products and for sportsmen.


Blush effect, uniform color tone of the lips, contour definition, volumizing filling, asymmetry correction, lip restructuring



We are the only ones in Italy to have paid special attention to the natural volume effect of the lips by pigmenting the labial mucosa with a particular technique that actually allows to obtain, with a in-depth study of colorimetry on specific pigments, the desired effect of more fleshy lips as well as a slight definition of the contour sometimes non-existent, sometimes poorly noticeable and sometimes jagged, correct the color tone from gloss effects to slightly more intense shades while remaining in the concept of naturalness.
Dermopigmentation on lips is a viable alternative to the Filler.

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Dermopigmentazione Bologna, trucco permanente Bologna, trucco semipermanente, trucco permanente sopracciglia occhi labbra, ricostruzione areola mammaria..